Ready for some wine-soaked bass served with oysters and cranberries? Or how about some elegant Boston cream cakes (that's right, we said "cakes," not "pie")? In our blog, we show you how we cooked a number of the vintage recipes included in one of our books, Northern Hospitality. Since New England's culinary reputation has come to be based mostly on chowder, lobster, and baked beans, you might be surprised to learn that many other delectable dishes were once regional favorites. Join us as we explore the genuine, more complex story of New England cooking.
Telling that more complex story—narrating that more accurate history—also involves describing the many connections between New England's cooking and its broader culture. You'll find in this blog what you'll find in all three of our books—angles on the many unexpected ways in which the food of New England is both produced by and produces the region's social dynamics, its outlook, and its values.